Band electronic-rock Ghost Town merilis video musik baru “Mean Kids” yang merupakan single kedua mereka di album Evolution (2015).

Kevin “Ghost” McCullough, Alix “Monster” Koochaki dan Manny “MannYtheDrummeR” Dominick meyebut bahwa lagu ini mengisahkan tentang bullying.

Dalam album Evolution, mereka memiliki misi untuk membuka mata semua orang, dimana dalam suatu komunitas, tak sepantasnya melakukan diskriminasi.

In the past we’ve written a lot of songs about very specific relationships or very specific situations that people go through. This is a broader spectrum. The message has to do with people opening their eyes and not being so tunnel-visioned. Don’t do the first thing someone tells you to do just because it seems like the easiest thing to do. It’s not about what you wear, or how many people follow you, or how you look. It’s about creating a community of like-minded people and accepting everyone.

— Kevin Ghost


Track list Album Evolution ;

1. “Spark”
2. “Evolution”
3. “Mean Kids”
4. “Out Alive”
5. “Human”
6. “Loner”
7. “Internet Pirates”
8. “Interlude”
9. “Candles”
10. “Down”
11. “Let Go”

Pada bulan Maret, Ghost Town akan melakukan tour bersama Simple Plan; 20 – BRISTOL Academy, 22 – NOTTINGHAM Rock City, 23 – MANCHESTER Ritz, dan 24 – LONDON Forum.